Crazy For You

From the state that brought you Cynthia McKinney, Jimmy Carter, and a whole host of other crazies I’m too lazy to think up, I bring you Dale Cardwell. Sigh.

You know there is a great tradition in the South. We don’t lock up our, um, different relations. Oh no. Locking your relations in an attic or a mental institution because they’re bat-shit crazy or eccentric is a Yankee thing. (I suppose Yankees are sensitive about such things.) Down here, we’re proud of our crazy relations. We talk about them, blog about them (Did I tell you about my weird-ass ancestor who decorated his cabin walls with bear guts ‘cause it was pretty?), and we generally view them as a source of pride. Hell, when we have parties we dust our crazies off, prop them up in the parlor, and let them entertain our guests.

And when our crazies enter into the political arena, well, fun is ahead for all. (See all the fun surrounding the slap-happy truther Cynthia McKinney back in 2002 as an example.) I look upon our not-quite-right-in-the-head politicians as our contribution to the general merriment of the world. You’re welcome.

Anyway, one more crazy Southern (would-be) politician isn’t really that much news down here. Oh, Cardwell’s method to his madness is interesting, but not really all that new. And on the whole, he’s more different than anything else. To be truly crazy, you have to be special. Speaking of…

Cynthia McKinney

Here’s a picture of crazy Cynthia McKinney for grins. De nada.

And yes, she’s running for president on the Green party ticket. Fun, fun, fun.