Random Linkage

It’s gotta be hard, carrying around all that angst. I guess that’s what happens when you define your beliefs by hating your opponents.

I don’t understand why teens are the only ones who will be fined if they drive while texting. Everyone should be fined for it.

lolcats are more than 100 years old!  IZ AULD KITTEH!

Obama’s ego is truly enormous. Why, it is so large I’m amazed it doesn’t ooze out his ears. He’s so full of it. Ego, that is. (Though, if anyone were to suggest that he’s full of something else, I’ll not say nay.)

GAH!!! Earworm… must… destroy….

Upon the finer points of shootin’  irons and pork chops… Amen.

Obama’s nomination of Clinton is a “harbinger of how Obama will approach the Constitution while President.” Say it ain’t so.

Did you know that you can send a postcard (free!) to our troops? You can. You should. Go to.

More questions about Obama’s Hawaiian birth… Oy.

Don’t rely on climate models! Maurizio lists many excellent reasons why it’s not a good idea. I’d add that they’re too easily manipulated by unscrupulous people to be more than a single data point (within an entire data set). Also, technology hasn’t progressed enough that we can accurately model such a complex system as climate. Hell, we can barely do a half-assed job of modeling streamflow conditions. And people think we’ve accurately predicted that the temperature is going to rise by 0.7534oF (or whatever it is) within a decade? Please.

Ikea sells Rudolph balls at Christmas. Gawd, I love that Swedish FUCK YOU mentality. They just don’t care. Reminds me of some rednecks I know…

Velociman thinks Greta over at Fox News is a man in drag. I dunno. If Greta were a man, she’d be prettier. Just sayin’.

Hell with it. Throw all the money over the side. Why stop now?

4 comments on “Random Linkage

  1. omnologos says:

    thank you for linking to my site Prudie

    it takes a big ego even to think about entering the US President’s election process…imagine what happens when one actually wins!!

    I expect Obama, like most of the Presidents before him since the unexpected raise to power of then-VP Teddy Roosevelt, to spend a few months in office wondering why still it is raining even if he had explicitly wished for a sunny day…

  2. pam says:

    Thanks for the linky love! ;)

  3. oltanker says:

    This ol’ Cajun thanks you, lady!


  4. Daniel says:

    Thanks for the link!

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